Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Movie Blog - Period Movies Set in the Age of Exploration

Welcome to the Monday Movie Blog on Chief 187 Chatter. Today is Columbus Day and many children

find themselves off of school due to this event. A parade takes place in New York City, and Italian Americans proudly celebrate their heritage. If you find yourself with time off, have utilized some time to buy this year’s pumpkins, Indian corn, and scarecrows, then played outside in the early autumn sunshine, and can finally sit down to relax, why not watch a great movie? The Monday Movie Blog is a great resource to tap to choose one.

This week’s focus is movies set in the time period of Christopher Columbus. There have been

several offerings of movies about Columbus and still more that take place during the Age of Exploration. Using this wide range of years, list any and all movies you feel fits the category. Be sure to include a list of stars in the film, a brief description of the movie, and/or a review.

If there are topics you would like to see covered in these pages, please feel free to send my suggestions at my Twitter account by following and tweeting to @Chief187s. Whether it be a movie or music request or a recipe you’d like to see tackled, or even a suggestion for freestyle Wednesday, I’d be more than happy to entertain your suggestions. I am contemplating throwing out some creative writing for an upcoming freestyle Wednesday and was truly curious how many would enjoy that. Usually my writings here are all in the same vein, from my life and experiences. This piece would showcase a different style that I tried recently. I look forward to your feedback.

Please join me tomorrow for Chief 187 Chatter’s most popular post of any week, Simple Joys.

1 comment:

  1. 1492: Conquest of Paradise - Gerard Depardieu, Armand Assante

    Yellowbeard - Great comedic ensemble cast
