Welcome to the first
Thankful Thursday on
Chief 187™Chatter!
It has been far too long since I’ve written here and I can tell you honestly that I’ve missed it. Life is humming along beautifully, but I can tell not writing for
Chatter has taken some of the wind out of my sails.
As 2013 dawned I had the idea to do a weekly
Thankful Thursday post as I truly have so very much to be thankful for and want to share that with you all. Alas, time has gotten away from me and we are in Mid-March with nary a post to be found of this kind.
Formality has never been my thing so I won’t worry about the layout, the amount of things I’m thankful about each post, etc. Mostly I just want to share what is on my mind on any given week and ask you to do the same. Seriously! My most favorite thing about
Chief 187™Chatter was the interaction with you, my readers, my friends.
So, without further ado, here is my
Thankful Thursday post.
Leave-in conditioner – I know it’s not deep or spiritual, but it sure does make my hair look and feel better and that does a lot for the way I feel each day. Call me shallow (I’ve been called far worse) but my hair is something I think a lot about and when it feels and looks good, I feel good. So, I’m thankful for leave-in conditioner!
Burst of energy- Winter leaves me feeling lackluster, uninspired, and tired. I know I must suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) but I keep chugging along as best I can. Last week I had a burst of energy that allowed me to finally clean out my closet of things I can no longer wear, were desperately out of style, or – as in most cases – simply didn’t fit. Holding on to these things, having messy closets, and not doing anything about it left me more frustrated and feeling stagnated. I finally made piles – throw out and donate – and cleared everything out. This burst of energy was good for my heart, soul, and home. It also is providing for others who can take my items and breathe new life into them. I am very thankful for that.
Seltzer – I am new to this veteran beverage. I am one of those people who loves the taste of diet sodas and drink too many of them. So, recently I swapped out diet sodas for flavored zero calorie seltzer and I love the taste! I haven’t drunk the beverage by itself, only as a mixer with my orange juice or grape juice, but it’s very satisfying. I am thankful for the opportunity to drink less diet soda!
Kindness of Others – I have been very blessed in my life, most recently my professional life, to be the recipient of the kindness of others. Whether it was Larry McReynolds and Dr. Jerry Punch agreeing to do my radio show without knowing who I was or Beaux Barfield remembering me and putting us on his schedule mere days before his IndyCar series begins, I’ve been overwhelmed with the graciousness of people I come in contact. The feeling I have is a strong one that there really are so many good people in this world. I just try to put back out there what I have been given.
My family – I try not to be overly sappy or goofy, but I must be honest. I am so very thankful – even more than the leave-in conditioner – for my family. My husband, who is my best friend, my lover, and my champion, honors me every day. Our three children do their best to be good little people. They do try my patience, but when I read to them, they are in a social situation and behave themselves, or I make them laugh the best laughs ever (and myriad other times), I feel – I KNOW - I am the luckiest person.
My collection of things, people, and events I am thankful for run the gamut from silly to reverent. I would be most honored to read your list of what you are thankful for this week. And even if you don’t leave it here, I do encourage you to make a list of what you are thankful for as it truly does lift your spirits and bring life back into focus.
Until next time…