Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Music Blog

Welcome back to a celebratory Friday Music Blog at Chief 187 Chatter. This week saw Chief 187 Chatter reach and surpass 11, 000 pageviews and is already on its way to the next milestone. With a nod to popular opinion, this week’s music topic is the “best albums of all time”. Purely subjective but surely promising to show the commonality of taste, this topic begs to be answered by all who read and adore music.

It is short and sweet today, my last day of vacation with my family. The topic, however, should provide ample opportunity for you to leave your selections and return to leave even more! Thank you for your continued support, your interest, and your readership! Have a great weekend, please continue to check in with this FMB, and I’ll see you back here on Monday! Enjoy!!


  1. This one is for you Vroom Vroom! Thanks for being there!

  2. Thriller- Michael Jackson
    Abbey Road- Beatles

  3. Good Lord! There are TOO MANY:

    Copeland Conducts Copeland
    AC/DC Back in Black
    Zeppelin IV
    Billy Joel Songs in the Attic
    Eagles Hotel California
    George Winston December
    I could go on all day...

  4. Beatles - White Album,
    Bob Dylans Nashville Skyline,
    Steep Canyon Rangers - Deep In The Shade,
    Frank Zappa - Bongo Fury
    Eldred Stevenson - Smithereens (you'll have to ask me for a copy)
    Rutland Boughton - The Immortal Hour
    Mana Volumes 1 & 2 (you'll have to ask me for a copy)
    David Bowie - Young Americans

    These are my top played albums on i tunes :-)

  5. Thanks Chief. What do you expect from a guy with two SPARE Dual 1019 turntables (in case the one I bought in '67 ever breaks)? Before there were playlists and magic clickers it actually mattered if an entire album (or at least one side) was truly great. What got stacked on the changer needed to be the appropriate collection for the, uhh, "occasion" because once the needle dropped you were pretty much committed. With a nod to those days, these may not rank at the top of my ipod's "most played." They are "most worn out jackets and scratchiest grooves" but they are still VERY groovy, baby!
    * Dave Brubeck Quartet- Time Out
    * Bob Dylan- Blonde on Blonde
    * Rolling Stones- Flowers
    * Jimi Hendrix- Axis: Bold As Love
    * Jethro Tull- Stand Up
    * The Doors- The Doors
    * The Beatles- Rubber Soul, Sgt. Pepper, Abbey Road, White Album
    * Laura Nyro- New York Tendaberry
    * Moody Blues- Days of Future Passed
    * Meat Loaf- Bat Out Of Hell
    * Led Zeppelin- Led Zeppelin
    * Pink Floyd- A Momentary Lapse Of Reason
    * Simon and Garfunkel- Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
